If you buy things from Amazon, you can help donate to our PTA without spending an extra penny!
Have you already signed up with Amazon Smile to benefit “Friends of PS 165 Robert E Simon?” Then click the image below to start shopping! If you haven’t yet signed up with Amazon Smile, then follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Click this link and log in to Amazon, if you haven’t done so already: https://smile.amazon.com/?ie=UTF8&linkCode=wsw&tag=psms165-20
STEP 2: In the “Select a charity” section, type “Friends of PS 165 Robert E Simon” in the “pick your own organization” box. Then click "Search." See image below for an example.
STEP 3: When you see “Friends of PS 165 Robert E Simon Inc,” click SELECT. This is our 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping our school! See image below.
STEP 4: Click the check box, then click "Start Shopping."
STEP 5: On the Amazon Smile home page, look below the search bar for the text: "Supporting: Friends of PS 165 Robert E Simon Inc."
STEP 6: Start shopping!
IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to maximize the benefit to our school, always start your shopping by using the following link: https://smile.amazon.com/?ie=UTF8&linkCode=wsw&tag=psms165-20. You need all that extra “stuff” after the “smile.amazon.com.” Please take a moment to bookmark the link, or when in doubt, visit our web site!